7个领英添加好友实战模板发表时间:2022-08-22 13:32 对绝大多数外贸业务员而言,领英是非常重要和有效的客户开发渠道。 想要安全、高效地建立一个系统化的领英获客账号,并有效地获得客户询盘和订单,以下两点请牢记:1.做好个人领英档案的设计和完善。2.更新和发布专业动态文章。 坚持做两件事:1.不断添加潜在客户。2.有序管理好友,持续跟进。 “时间,主动,坚持”缺一不可!既然领英获客是一个长期积累的过程,想要在领英进行有效的客户开发,获得订单,就必须不断添加领英的好友,增加潜在客户。 但是要添加领英好友,我们又要面临一个难题,那就是如何在领英(LinkedIn)上高效、安全地添加好友?如何有效提高领英加好友通过率? 除了需要完善的领英账号职业档案,还需要一张专业而亲切的照片作为您的领英头像。 还有一个很重要的问题,那就是当你发送领英好友邀请的时候,我们需要一条定制的邀请消息来说服你的客户,这会让你的好友数量增加几十倍。 今天神奇搜将分享7个邀请消息模板,这些模板已经在领英实战填加好友中得到了充分证明。 实战模板一: Hi{name}. I came across your profile on LinkedIn and noticed that you have worked in the the home textile industry for many years and have quite a unique career. Please give me the opportunity to connect with you and learn more from you. 实战模板二: Hi Jeff. I came across your profile here on LinkedIn and would love to connect. I am a Bluetooth headset product expert, and l've spent 5 years in this field. Please accept this invitation. Maybe one day we can work together and make your business more profitable. Thank you in advance. Charles 实战模板三: Hi dear. This is Sunny, CEO of 公司名字. I'd like to be your fan on Linkedin. I have over 20 years' experience in the XXXX Industry. If there are any questions, I'm happy to help. Hope I can be your friend here. Either way, keep up your awesome work on LinkedIn. Cheers, Sunny 实战模板四: Dear **. This is ***I am very glad to meet you on LinkedIn. And I hope to be able to connect with you and talk more about ** (一定要是对方能感兴趣的points) in further days. Best regards. *** 实战模板五: Hi Jane. LinkedIn has shown me your profile multiple times now, so I checked who you were doing. I really like your work and, as we are both in the creative industry – I thought I'd reach out. It’s always great to be connected with like-minded individuals, isn’t it? Audrey 实战模板六: Hi **. Good afternoon/morning/day. This is ** from China. I am also in ** industry, and I have some questions and need your help. Could you pls kindly accept my invitation? Thanks in advance. *** 实战模板七: Hi Mark. I saw your profile ("People Also Viewed") while viewing one of our mutual connections. was hoping we could connect here on LinkedIn, too. I'll work hard to post valuable posts & articles. And, I look forward to yours. Thanks for considering the connection request. Take care. Joey 大家可以参考以上7种模板,根据自身情况和需求进行优化调整。神奇搜提醒,当您写领英添加好友邀请信息时,请确保您的目的是希望对方通过您的邀请成为您的领英好友,语言遵循真诚、简洁和友好的原则。 |